About Us

We all how confused we get whenever we are buying something online. After all, with the plethora of choices India’s e-commerce sites offer, it’s no surprise that buying a product gets quite overwhelming at times.

This is especially true with products that are either expensive or have a technical aspect to them. While you can’t afford to go wrong with the former as it can turn out to be a pretty expensive mistake, you may not be able to take the right decision when buying the latter as you may not understand the technical details.

And this is precisely where Indian Product Guru comes in. IPG is an online review site that reviews many different categories of products being sold online, primarily on ecommerce sites. This helps our readers take informed decisions instead of simply relying on guesswork.

Our reviews are detailed, informative and helpful. We also make sure each review we write is also easy to understand for our readers, even if they have zero knowledge of the product they are looking to buy.

Our review are based off of two major factors: Technical details (features) and customer reviews. We believe both these factors are very important to consider when purchasing any products online, especially the more expensive ones, in order to make sure you get exactly what you wanted.

Further, all our reviews are backed by solid research and not any personal opinions or guesswork. Sure, we may also share our personal experience with a particular product, but that too would be done in a way that it becomes a useful information for everyone that reads it.

This is something our readers would find really useful, as we know ending up disappointed due to a bad purchase online is far from uncommon. However, our research, knowledge and experience would help you avoid landing in such a situation, which is important especially as Amazon and Flipkart do away with accepting returns for products you buy, and instead just allow you to replace them.

Apart from product reviews, we also write and share many informative articles on our blog that can be just as useful for readers. After all, choosing whether to buy a windows AC or an inverter AC can be just as confusing as what’s the best inverter AC to buy.

But we don’t limit ourselves to that. We also have other informative articles where we teach our readers to use a particular product properly, as well as take care of its maintenance needs like cleaning it.

Hope you have a good time browsing around Indian Product Guru, and find the information we have shared here useful.

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